Pathways and Journeys . . . ways people grow.
Pathways and Journeys . . . ways people grow.
Studies have shown that students learn best when educators appeal to different learning styles at the same time, which is possible through multimodal learning, provide practice and reflection time as well as on-going mentoring and reinforcement.
Each student has different skills and needs. This project models ways of connecting existing open resources to provide learners with tools to assemble an education that is personalized and supports the development of a person to become a happy and productive part of a civil socity.
Our target is students 15-22 yrs old as they are on the cusp of becoming voters, employees, parents of the next generation and life-long learners.
Pathways and Journeys joined the Charter for Compassion as an
Education Organization Partner March 2014
Based upon the belief that creativity is not limited to the gifted ones of the population, and compassion is not limited to the spiritual, we are creating a space where love, compassion and forgiveness can be inspired, taught, nurtured, and enhanced.
Pathways & Journeys was inspired by the Fetzer Global Gathering in Assisi.
What compels a hate crime survivor to reconcile with his tormentor? Can gaming technology in the hands of young people help reverse generations of division between Palestinians and Israelis? Bringing together 500 thought leaders from around the world, the September gathering in Assisi addressed these and other compelling questions related to the power love and forgiveness can have in the world. Our global gathering was the foremost conference yet in bringing together top scientists and professionals with unique examples of love and forgiveness in order to learn how underlying principles can be taught to others."
“Unless you take something to heart, you cannot be #grateful for it… Whatever you take to heart eventually breaks your heart. It breaks your heart open.”
Global Gathering: A Pilgrimage of Love and Forgiveness" in Assisi, Italy on Sept. 19, 2012
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